Friday, September 26, 2008

Mexican Tortillas

Toronto Animal Rights Society (TARS) has a bi-weekly potluck dinner and a show or guest speaker after the dinner. The first one I ever attended was a cooking demonstration. Three people came from Mexico to show and tell us about Mexican, vegan food, and what they eat in southern Mexico which is a lot of tortillas made with Maseca flour, a type of corn flour. I saw it as another dinner idea that my husband could eat. I enjoyed the tortillas I sampled, so a few days later I went especially to Perola's in Kensington Market to get some maseca flour. All it needs is salt and water, just follow the instructions on the packet. I like them with black beans, guacamole, tomatoes and hot sauce or salsa.
The tortilla dough is very fragile so you have to be gentle with it. A friend of mine, Antione told me you can also add 50% wheat flour and it makes the dough more robust. The Mexican's use their hands to spread the dough, however I use a rolling pin. Just cook the tortillas on a dry frying pan for approximately 50 seconds before turning over and cooking the other side.

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